IT training by Roy Fijn min

CTOUCH Academy gives OBS Jan Hekmanschool an ICT boost

Our CTOUCH Academy was contacted by the ICT department of the Jan Hekman school to provide training sessions. The ICT working group already has a whole lot of enthusiasm in the pocket and they were very eager to extend their ICT knowledge. CTOUCH trainer Roy was just as much ready to get this ICT train going.

With about 430 pupils the Jan Hekman school is a public primary school in Oudekerk aan de Amstel, The Netherlands. Valuable, talent oriented and futureproof education is their vision. The main objective is to educate their pupils learning attitudes and skills that will help them develop in further education. The school is highly convinced that society seeks people that have an attitude of never giving up, being curious, using imagination, collaborating and have fun while learning. Of course that sounds like music to our ears.

A peek behind the ICT scenes
First steps were already taken by the Jan Hekman school as they teach with the CTOUCH Laser Nova touchscreens. It was up to our CTOUCH Academy to experience first-hand if full advantage was taken of these touchscreens. It started with a competency scan followed by practical tips & tricks based on this scan. We gave a few insights in educational models. And of course the working group had to bring their a-game by executing practical assignments. As a result, a great looking list with personal and organisational goals has been put on the table. The main objective of the 18 hour three-part course? A tailored advice and a practical IT roadmap. And when implementing the IT plan we won’t just let the Jan Hekman school swim. We’re ready to assist whenever needed.

The IT intricacies by Roy
First let’s rewind a bit to the starting point of this training, the competency scan. In this way we can shine a light upon strengths and any struggles that need attention. For example the Jan Hekman school could benefit more from the annotation tool. After all, who doesn’t want to step up to the plate and annotate to the max?! Especially, because it’s fun! Our trainer Roy will give you practical tips on the go like how to annotate in applications such as Powerpoint or Word. And you’ll learn how to make your annotations stand out by using several colours, writing thicknesses and eventually we show you how you can easily save your creations. Easy does it! Also the ICT working group wanted to know more about the latest interesting apps. There are many to choose from that can be added on your touchscreen. For example, think about the app Lightbot. It’s so cool how students can learn computer programming and at the same time experience how fun it is.

“Looking for someone who knows what you’re thinking? Or someone who gives you ideas you’ve never thought of? Then Roy is your guy who doesn’t hold back when it comes to IT.”

And do you want to know more about educational models? Leave it to up our trainer Roy. He teaches you all the intricacies relating to for example JITT (Just In Time Teaching) or 21st century skills. We turn you into a Google expert who easily finds his/her way in creating the perfect background for their touchscreen. And for instance you know all about making a Google image printscreen straight from Word. And there you go, with the push of a button you find this exact image in your document. Determining IT priorities was also something the Jan Hekman school had a need for. What do you think that really benefits your school? Collaboration? Creating and preparing lessons? Interactivity in your classroom? While hopping - truly! – Roy let’s you make choices. No more IT dilemma’s. And voilà, you’ve determined your goals. And now keep going and translate these words into deeds😊

Jan Hekman school smiles to a bright future ahead
With having more technical and theoretical knowledge in the pocket, the ICT working group of the Jan Hekman school is super excited to execute their IT plan. “With a bunch of humour we’ve enjoyed Roy’s training sessions. He brings a lot of technical and theoretical IT knowledge to the table. His experience as a teacher, but also as a trainer and IT content developer, works in his favour. He’s a visionary who makes you think about the complete IT structures and theories. Continuously seeks for the essence of why doing something and how it benefits. He makes you critically argue why something is possible. I really hope I get to enjoy Roy’s training courses some other time”, says Niels Bakker, IT Coordinator at the Jan Hekman school.

Also curious what our CTOUCH Academy has to offer?