Storebæltskolen 026

Interactive education with a fun twist at Storebaeltskolen

Storebæltskolen in Korsør, Denmark offers children with learning difficulties an exciting school time. It is a school that offers extensive special education for students with general learning disabilities justified by developmental disabilities. The school offers a teaching program from preschool to 10th grade to some 80 students.

The students have a variety of developmental disabilities. Some of them have a background with a medical diagnosis, such as organic brain damage or various syndromes. A large part of the students does not have an actual diagnosis. A number of pupils also have secondary disabilities like impaired hearing or vision, autism, spasticity, emotional problems or epilepsy. The students live at home or in residential institutions and enthusiastically run to school every day.

Storebæltskolen continues to improve the quality of their education by installing CTOUCH interactive, height-adjustable touchscreens in their classrooms.

Improving the quality of education and the satisfaction of teachers with interactive touchscreens

At Storebæltskolen they want the best for their students. The kids benefit from more than 40 years of accumulated knowledge of and insight into teaching children with learning disabilities.

Through close cooperation with parents, kindergartens, general and special schools, Storebæltskolen gives their students a coherent course from kindergarten to working life. By strengthening the students' awareness of their own opportunities as well as their limitations, the teachers make sure the children can express what they understand by quality of life. The goal is to make each student as self-reliant as possible.

Storebæltskolen is a renowned and inclusive organisation that creates and develops the children's social, personal, and professional competencies. The school has 80 employees spread over 10 professional groups, which function as a single unit. Every group contributes to each child getting the best possible school and leisure facilities so that they have the best opportunities to find their place in the local community.

The challenge
Storebæltskolen uses SmartBoards with short throw projectors in the classrooms. These boards are fixed to the wall and are not height adjustable. This means that the smallest children have trouble using the screens. On top of that, the readability of the boards quickly diminishes in bright daylight.

In the staff room, they used projectors for meetings or courses for the staff. These projectors don’t have any touch functionality and the visibility is, like the boards in the classroom, not great on sunny days. Moreover, due to thin walls in the school building, the closing of the doors shakes the projectors which results in the staff regularly having to recalibrate them.

The solution
To solve this, Storebæltskolen replaced the projector in the staff room with an 86” CTOUCH Air+ interactive touchscreen. This provides them with the touch function they need and perfect image and sound quality in any type of weather. In the coming years, the SmartBoards in all classrooms will be replaced by height-adjustable, 86” CTOUCH Laser Sky screens.

Storebæltskolen chose CTOUCH because the quality of the CTOUCH screens was at least as good as other manufacturers. Moreover, the school felt they got more for their money with CTOUCH.

Jon Engsager, IT consultant at Storebæltskolen who is responsible for local IT procurement and continuing education of educational staff, is very happy with the new screens. “The picture quality, brightness and response speed of the screens itself are top notch,” he says. “The screens are also very user friendly. Switching between inputs is easy: with just one button.”

Engsager: “We are very pleased that reseller Atea suggested CTOUCH. The fact that they made sure we could test a number of products in their showroom really eased the process for us.”

The result
With the CTOUCH screens, Storebæltskolen can now display digital materials for a larger group in the staffroom much easier and with better image and sound quality than before. Due to the touch functionality, meetings are much more interactive, productive and engaging. This makes it easier for them to continue to offer education of the highest quality.

The height-adjustable screens in the classroom that will be installed over time, ensure that even the smallest children can work with the screens without any problems. Guaranteed fun for students and teachers!