Project designer uses planning software with CTOUCH
Ad Borrenbergs is a reputable project designer in the Netherlands. The collection has been expanded gradually over the years. Besides curtains and carpets, durable recyclable plastic flooring, cast floors, leather floors and various awnings are also supplied. The company is active in many different branches and serve diverse audiences. Furnishing business premises, government buildings, healthcare and cultural buildings are part of their core business.
The company is growing rapidly and therefore a professional planning is essential. For this reason they have chosen an interactive planning board which was realised by CTOUCH in collaboration with Touchplanner software.
Joris Damen / Ad Borrenbergs: “CTOUCH in combination with Touch Planner software of Facta Vision is ideal to work fast while planning consultation and reschedule immediately if necessary. Change and its consequences are quickly visible to everyone. Our colleagues who provide transportation for our projects, are also very happy with this new way of working, they immediately overview everything that needs to happen.”
About Facta Vision & Touchplanner software:
Planning is looking ahead, gaining insight into what is expected in the near future so we can inject urgency into our daily work. The planning boards give a clear overview of the information. Planning brings order to chaos, making complex – whether automated data or not – transparent. Brings tranquility to the organization that directly affects performance and efficiency.
Klaas Verboom of Facta Vision has been active in this area for over 35 years already. In the beginning, particularly with analogue planning boards. Due to clear arguments, knowledge and experience the right advice was provided.
Today, the product range has been expanded with two digital packages. The market asked for a simple digital application. Facta Vision copied the analog planning board into a digital one using a display. A standalone solution.
Analog becomes digital. To stay as close as possible to the “old” way of working we have invented the TOUCHBOX technology. Being able to plan with only one finger on a screen. The planning therefore takes place on a touchscreen. To provide an accurate product range Facta Vision teamed up with CTOUCH.
Klaas Verboom: “CTOUCH is a company that invests in new technologies, offers the highest quality products, parts and service. At CTOUCH every presentation and every touch experience becomes a success.”