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Saint Dominic School future proof with CTOUCH Riva

We travel to Latin America. To a country known for its Inca ruins, the Amazon, the Andes mountains and its many (active) volcanoes. Ecuador. Here you will find Saint Dominic School. Like every school worldwide, Saint Dominic School also faced many challenges in the past two years. In just a few days, they completely rebuild their education system. And that with highly outdated technologies and devices. They went in search of a solution. The result? A future proof educational institution with CTOUCH Riva touchscreens.

About Saint Dominic School

Saint Dominic School is a Catholic educational institution in the capital of Ecuador, Quito. They have over 1400 pupils, all from different levels. You will not only find primary education here. But also secondary and higher education. Students with such different levels, from students who are learning how to say good morning in English to students preparing for international exams. Different levels come together in one educational institution. Here, they learn together. And learn from each other.

Education at Saint Dominic School is especially focused on preparing students for the new digital world. In a world that’s changing fast, education simply cannot and should not fall behind. The school prepares its pupils for the future by using the latest technologies. And that includes CTOUCH Riva touchscreens. Saint Dominic School as a bilingual school is seeking for a bilingual educational environment to enrich pupils´ learning. That's why they also focus on being innovative, creative and critical.

And there it was, in a blink of an eye, online education

Schools around the world had to close their doors. No more physical classes, everything moved to online classes. At a distance. At Saint Dominic School, too, the pandemic accelerated the pace of digital education. Education had to go on.

For Saint Dominic School, it has been quite a challenge. Because they had to change the presential education to virtual education and later to a hybrid learning environment. Such change meant not only physical spaces but also changes in the methodologies such as blended learning. Despite having some tools to face the challenge, Saint Dominic School was looking for better tools to implement blended learning in the new hybrid environment.

Touchscreens were the turning point. Moving from old whiteboards and projectors where the interaction with online students was difficult to CTOUCH technology, combining offline and online tools to enhance learning with an adequate environment to learn. In short, the major challenge given in hybrid learning was surpassed with the support of CTOUCH Riva touchscreens.

Saint Dominic School

A changing world calls for... Touchscreens!

Online education came to the world to stay. Now classes must combine online and offline materials to encourage students to learn and catch up the gap pandemic has caused in the educational system. That’s why Saint Dominic School is fully committed to finding the right balance between digital and face-to-face teaching. However, with the current materials, they would not be able to embrace this new way of learning. So, where to begin?

Interaction between teachers and students, regardless of the location. Hm, does not sound so simple. does it?

Interaction, engagement and future proof thanks to our partner SmartCo. There are now 12 pieces 65" and 25 pieces 75" CTOUCH Riva touchscreens in Saint Dominic School. Both teachers and pupils had to get used to it at first. Because the Riva has a lot of tools to teach with. But today, interactive displays are an integral part of every lesson, and everyone became a fan. Tools that stand out for Saint Dominic School are the easy sharing of a screen, giving presentations, watching videos and playing games where the students enjoy learning new skills.

How the CTOUCH Riva brings the hybrid learning environment to life

The functionalities of the CTOUCH Riva touchscreens are used extensively during classes. And the pupils who connect from home can now see the entire classroom and follow the lesson. The touchscreen stimulates interaction and engagement between the pupils, despite the location. And the interaction between the teachers and the pupils at home is now much better. Everyone can communicate well with each other. According to Saint Dominic School, the teachers can finally supervise both groups well. And the students get the support they need.

Yes. The hybrid learning environment is in place. Saint Dominic School can finally do what they love most: preparing pupils for the digital world.

“We are facing the coming years with confidence. We are future proof! And the teachers are now sure to get the most out of their classes!”

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