Teresa de Calcuta, - CTOUCH

Teresa de Calcuta school in Madrid experiences the power to engage

A special reference case in Spain. During the SIMO education exhibition in 2019, our Spanish partner MCR Info Electronic held a lottery for schools that showed interest for the interactive way of teaching with a CTOUCH display. There were all kinds of prizes to win, but the Grand prize was a 65 inch CTOUCH touchscreen! Isn’t that wonderful?

A prize well deserved

The grand prize was won by Teresa de Calcuta, a school in the beautiful city of Madrid. MCR visited this bilingual school to discuss the installation of their first touchscreen and were warmly welcomed by the director, the head of studies and their ICT manager. In only a few seconds they could already sense their passion for teaching. The focus on their students, their well-being and their future. They truly cared! It almost immediately gave them a feeling of great satisfaction that the prize ended up in a great school like this.

The Spanish partner Compolaser, who made the configuration assembly and who was asked to follow up on the installation and training of the screen, joined them during this visit. Together they sat down and talked about future improvements, the advantages of a touchscreen and how to implement them along with the natural transition of projectors and interactive whiteboards in the school.

The power of interaction

MCR: “We believe in the power of this school. The power of its teachers and the power of their future geniuses. The touchscreen really helps to stimulate participation of students in a classroom and offer the teacher to get the full attention from the entire class. We believe that we’ve connected with another great school where our solution can positively contribute to the school objectives.”