
Universidad Complutense de Madrid goes interactive

Teachers at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid can now interact with their students and show them digital content thanks to interactive CTOUCH screens.

The university already had large format projectors in its classrooms that are very useful in auditoriums or rooms with many students. But now, thanks to the CTOUCH interactive screens, the teacher / speaker can write about their own subject matter, engage students, introduce videos, interactive materials, graphs, corrections instantly, add notes, surf the internet and even record what is shown in class for students who have not been able to attend. All thanks to the interactive CTOUCH screen. The teacher can annotate and interact directly on the projected information.

The CTOUCH Laser air+ touchscreens have no shadows and the image quality is much higher (Full HD or 4K). The screen quality is always excellent no matter what light you have in the classroom or on the outside.

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