ULEAM SmartCo Touchscreen

University ULEAM is in good hands with CTOUCH Riva

Teaching is timeless. The tools used to teach however, are often in need of an upgrade. Ecuadorian university ULEAM (Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí) transformed their classrooms into hybrid learning environments with the CTOUCH Riva.

New beginnings

ULEAM is the third biggest university of Ecuador, teaching over 28.0000 students. This public institution recently installed a new administration and a new dean: Dr. Marcos Zambrano, PhD. With new leadership came the time for new AV set-ups.

Classrooms were equipped with projectors, not the best fit for interactive education. In addition, calling into lessons had become much more common due to the pandemic and for a blended learning environment an upgrade was a must. The administration investigated which tools were essential for a blended learning environment suitable for interactive education.

Upgrading to touch

Which tools were best suited for ULEAM’s new teaching direction? The university invited several distributors to demonstrate a variety of interactive teaching solutions. Smartco, our distributor in Ecuador, took part in the demonstration with our Riva touchscreen.

Riva thoroughly impressed during this demo. The integrated JBL speakers blew away the audience with its excellent sound. The whiteboard function using finger or pen, registered as stable with no delay when writing. Riva was compatible with all different type of devices teachers had in use. Riva’s pin code functionality was considered a great plus security wise, especially as classrooms are not always locked. Another great plus for the IT department: extended warranty for Riva is given when registering the screen with CTOUCH.

Ultimately, Riva’s 65” model was chosen as the best fit for ULEAM classrooms’ needs. This model was to be placed 99 times in different classrooms meant to be used as blended learning environments. The order took 2-3 months to process. During this waiting period SmartCo hosted several workshops for teachers and other users. This allowed ULEAM staff to get acquainted with Riva: the basic functionality, the apps to use, how to effectively teach with an interactive digital display.

Interactive education

Riva was just what ULEAM needed to create a blended learning environment focused on interactive education. The touchscreen allowed physical and virtual classrooms to become one. Riva’s interactivity has made the education process much more fluid, due to student participation stimulating better knowledge retention. Teachers are very pleased with how easy and versatile Riva is to work with. Using Riva greatly improved pacing of lessons as there’s no delay caused by fumbling with cables or apps. Riva truly made a positive impact on ULEAM’s staff and student!